27 November 2024

10:00 - 12:30

| Conference room 2 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - The revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and the Wastewater Reuse Regulation: strategies for the circular economy and climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean

The revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and the Wastewater Reuse Regulation: strategies for the circular economy and climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean

Organized in collaboration with Istat

The Day of Study organized in collaboration with Istat, scheduled on 27 November, will be an opportunity for a technical and operational discussion with water sector professionals and experts and relevant administrations on obligations, strategies, opportunities and problems in the implementations of the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and EU Regulation 2020/741, especially in the regions of the Mediterranean area.

Representatives of: Ministries, Research Institutions, Universities, Regions, District Basin Authorities, Territorial Water Authorities, ARERA, Utilitalia, Water Service Authorities, Irrigation Authorities, Industrial Consortia, Environmental Associations, other stakeholders.

The Day of Study will be divided into an institutional session in the morning and an in-depth session on "The new challenges in the field of waste water treatment (economic and managerial aspects, reuse of waste water)", starting at 14.30.

BFWE, Istat
27 November 2024

10:00 - 13:30

| Conference room 1 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - Digitalisation of Water and Wastewater Systems: international experiences and innovations to support Italian Water Utilities projects

Digitalisation of Water and Wastewater Systems: international experiences and innovations to support Italian Water Utilities projects

Organized by Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, in collaboration with Isle Utilities and BFWE

The Conference presents international experiences, innovations and initiatives that could inspire and support Italian Water Utilities in the challenge of digital transformation required by National Recovery and Resilience Plan for reduction of water losses in distribution systems and monitoring of wastewater systems.

The Conference is held by national and international speakers with proven experience with the purpose of fostering collaboration between stakeholder, knowledge sharing and innovations adoption to improve efficiency in water and wastewater systems.

Simultaneous translation service is not available.

Event accredited with recognition of 3 CFP for Italian Engineers attending the event.

27 November 2024

10:30 - 12:30

| Room Acqua (Padiglione Nuovo)

it - Designed to last: the benefits of using stainless steel in the integrated cycle of drinking water

Designed to last: the benefits of using stainless steel in the integrated cycle of drinking water

Organized by Centro Inox - The Italian Stainless Steel Development Association

Water is the most precious asset on the planet but even today in our country we talk timidly about stainless steel since the thought is exclusively about the economic side forgetting that today’s wrong choices will be a cost of tomorrow that will weigh on future generations. The use of stainless steel represents proven solution to combat the problems of durability and water losses.

The meeting will present application examples on the Italian territory adopted by the different operators of the integrated water system also highlighting the sustainability and circular economy criteria related to the choice of stainless steel.

stainless steel
27 November 2024


it - Ribbon-cutting Ceremony and Opening of Accadueo 2024

Ribbon-cutting Ceremony and Opening of Accadueo 2024

27 November 2024

14:30 - 15:30

| Room Acqua (Padiglione Nuovo)

it - Investing in the Water Service from a local perspective - Sustainability, Innovation and Performance

Investing in the Water Service from a local perspective - Sustainability, Innovation and Performance

Organized by Centro Studi Enti Locali
Round Table

How much does the state of Italian infrastructure affect not only the quality, but also the management sustainability of the integrated water service and how local Utilities could intercept resources to modernize the water network? The round table entitled "Investing in the Water Service from a local perspective" is an opportunity to analyze together with experts, researchers and industry companies the opportunities and investments available for system innovation.

With the aim of reflecting on the future of the Italian Water Service from a local perspective, the round table will analyze from the economic and managerial point of view the possible ways to promote the ability to invest and innovation in the sector in the coming years.

The round table will also present the results of the research "Sustainability of the local water sector: innovation capacity and spending capacity" carried out by Centro Studi Enti Locali.

innovation, spending capacity, research, local Utilities
27 November 2024

14:30 - 17:30

| Conference room 1 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - The new challenges in the field of waste water treatment (economic and managerial aspects, reuse of waste water)

The new challenges in the field of waste water treatment (economic and managerial aspects, reuse of waste water)

Organized in collaboration with Istat

The Italian/English simultaneous translation service is provided.

The Day of Study organized in collaboration with Istat, scheduled on 27 November, will be an opportunity for a technical and operational discussion with water sector professionals and experts and relevant administrations on obligations, strategies, opportunities and problems in the implementations of the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and EU Regulation 2020/741, especially in the regions of the Mediterranean area.

Representatives of: Ministries, Research Institutions, Universities, Regions, District Basin Authorities, Territorial Water Authorities, ARERA, Utilitalia, Water Service Authorities, Irrigation Authorities, Industrial Consortia, Environmental Associations, other stakeholders.

The Day of Study will be divided into an institutional session in the morning and an in-depth session on "The new challenges in the field of waste water treatment (economic and managerial aspects, reuse of waste water)", starting at 14.30.

wastewater treatment, water reuse, economic aspects
27 November 2024

14:30 - 18:00

| Conference Room 2 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - SETE: 100 ideas to save the world

SETE: 100 ideas to save the world

by StartupItalia, in collaboration with Regione Puglia, Acquedotto Pugliese and UNIDO ITPO Italy

Sustainable water management is one of the most pressing global challenges: although water covers about 70% of the earth’s surface, only less than 3% of it is potentially drinkable and only a fraction of it is accessible to humans [*]. Italy is currently in third place in Europe in the ranking of countries that consume more water, preceded only by Greece and Ireland: how do you get rid of it? Innovation is also a factor.
SETE: 100 ideas to save the world at Accadueo is the culmination of a Call4ideas and Call4startup launched in autumn to collect the best business ideas capable of (r)innovating the water sector, water use and its saving. SETE will select 100 ideas - now featured in a special paper - but only the 10 most promising ones will be featured on the Accadueo stage. Startups, scale-ups, SMEs, research institutes, university spin-offs and other innovative entities will share their cutting-edge ideas to safeguard the entire water supply. Selected by a committee of experts, they are dedicated to water in one or more areas: domestic, energy, industrial/agricultural and technological/digital. On the stage of the final event will also be awarded the prestigious "Award #mareAsinistra" to the reality that best represents the objective of attracting and enhancing talent in Puglia.
SETE: 100 idee per salvare il mondo is a StartupItalia project in collaboration with Regione Puglia, Acquedotto Pugliese (AQP) and the Italian Office for Technological Promotion and Investment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO ITPO Italy), and is part of the cohesion policies and the strategy of #mareAsinistra aimed at the exploitation of talent in Puglia, through opportunities from the Regional Programme Puglia ERDF-FSE+ 2021-2027.

For more information:

27 November 2024

28 November 2024

10:00 - 13:00

| Conference Room 2 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - Water supply in the Mediterranean area in the context of climate change: critical issues and technological and management innovations

Water supply in the Mediterranean area in the context of climate change: critical issues and technological and management innovations

Organized in collaboration with Istat

Due to ongoing climate change and the low degree of resilience of supply infrastructure, there is now evidence of an increase in competition for the use of water resources due to their reduced availability, with inevitable consequences on the geopolitical and socioeconomic balance. Globally, but especially in the Mediterranean regions and at certain times of the year, conditions of increasing vulnerability to water scarcity events are already being experienced, compromising conditions for environmental sustainability.

The Day of Study organized in collaboration with Istat, scheduled on 28 November, aims to engage water sector insiders and experts, researchers, public administrators, and managers for a moment of reflection on the health of water supply in Italy.
The intent is to outline an up-to-date picture of water uses in the main sectors of use (civil, agricultural, industrial), existing criticalities and possible solutions and strategies to be put in place, during a lively direct confrontation between the actors involved, with a view to achievable benefits (social, environmental and economic).

Will be invited to the meeting representatives of: Research Institutions, Ministries, Universities, Regions, District Basin Authorities, Territorial Water Authorities, ARERA, Utilitalia, Water Service Authorities, ANBI, Reclamation Consortia, Industrial Consortia, International Desalination and Reuse Association and other stakeholders.

The Day of Study will be divided into an institutional session in the morning and two in-depth sessions on "Withdrawal and use of water resources", starting at 14.00. 

BFWE, Istat, desalination
28 November 2024

10:00 - 13:00

| Conference room 1 (Levante Conferences Centre)



Organized by Acquedotto Pugliese and CSSI

The digital transition is the revisiting of processes, using products based on digital technologies and digital strategies in order to increase efficiency. The simplest, most accessible and representative collection and evaluation of process data is a knowledge base.

The conference, in the form of a dialogue, will address the relevant points of the digital transition and the role in the management of aqueduct systems within the concepts of phenomenological twin and digital water services, based on advanced hydraulic system, and the general concept of digital twin.
For this reason, first of all the issue of real water losses will be addressed from the phenomenological point of view to the system scale. The losses, in fact, are the indicator of health of the infrastructure and therefore the loss management, the process to be made efficient through the concept of digital transition. In addition, the conference will address the topic of performance indicators as a guide to the quality of public investments at different scales of water supply systems, presenting the new indicator AMSI (Asset Management Support Indicator).
Finally, the conference will address the development of a digital strategy for the loss management process.

performance indicator, aqueduct system, digital transition, loss management
28 November 2024

10:00 - 13:00

| Room Acqua (Padiglione Nuovo)

it - Innovation in water supply networks: materials and technologies that make a difference

Innovation in water supply networks: materials and technologies that make a difference

Organized by IATT

In the construction of water networks, the choice of materials for pipelines has always given rise to debates and comparisons. Looking back to the distant past, Vitruvius already said that it was better to use clay pipes instead of lead ones.
The network infrastructure is fundamental for the performance of the service provided. Networks for water and sewage are often considered a weak point of the sector, plagued by losses and breakdowns that entail costs and management difficulties for utilities and companies, undermining citizens' confidence.
In 2022, losses along drinking water distribution assets reached 42.4%.
As a result, quality, reliability and cost of materials are increasingly important but their evaluation is often not adequately addressed.  It is necessary to consider a variety of technical, economic and environmental factors in order to have an overall picture that allows for informed choice; to this we must add that the decision-making process on materials takes into account not only the functional performance but also the environmental impact, using life cycle assessments, as well as the circularity of the entire production chain.

The round table aims to analyse, in the context of the installation and rehabilitation of water networks, the characteristics of materials currently available on the market, in association with the related Trenchless technologies used, to give the audience a more comprehensive view of what solutions can be identified as regards the projects to be developed.

no dig; innovation, water supply network,
28 November 2024

14:00 - 15:30

| Conference Room 2 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - Withdrawal and use of water resources - Water balance

Withdrawal and use of water resources - Water balance

Organized in collaboration with Istat

Due to ongoing climate change and the low degree of resilience of supply infrastructure, there is now evidence of an increase in competition for the use of water resources due to their reduced availability, with inevitable consequences on the geopolitical and socioeconomic balance. Globally, but especially in the Mediterranean regions and at certain times of the year, conditions of increasing vulnerability to water scarcity events are already being experienced, compromising conditions for environmental sustainability.

The Day of Study organized in collaboration with Istat, scheduled on 28 November, aims to engage water sector insiders and experts, researchers, public administrators, and managers for a moment of reflection on the health of water supply in Italy.
The intent is to outline an up-to-date picture of water uses in the main sectors of use (civil, agricultural, industrial), existing criticalities and possible solutions and strategies to be put in place, during a lively direct confrontation between the actors involved, with a view to achievable benefits (social, environmental and economic).

Will be invited to the meeting representatives of: Research Institutions, Ministries, Universities, Regions, District Basin Authorities, Territorial Water Authorities, ARERA, Utilitalia, Water Service Authorities, ANBI, Reclamation Consortia, Industrial Consortia, International Desalination and Reuse Association and other stakeholders.

The Day of Study will be divided into an institutional session in the morning and two in-depth sessions on "Withdrawal and use of water resources", starting at 14.00. One of the afternoon sessions is focused on Water balance.

water balance
28 November 2024

15:30 - 17:00

| Conference Room 2 (Levante Conferences Centre)

it - The Future of Desalination in Italy: new projects, integration of territories, smaller islands, industrial users, exploitation of brine

The Future of Desalination in Italy: new projects, integration of territories, smaller islands, industrial users, exploitation of brine

In collaboration with IDRA International Desalination and Reuse Association and WestMED 

The Italian/English simultaneous translation service is provided.

28 November 2024